Smoked Salmon

A few days back I set up the Weber to smoke some salmon. Costco had fresh wild Sockeye fillets in a two pack. We ate the first one with friends, and I saved one to smoke. There isn't much to the recipe and prep; make a brine, let the salmon sit in it for an hour and half or two hours, then smoke it. You can find it here . Here are my notes on this recipe: I always use Sockeye salmon, which is smaller than King/Chinook, and thus requires less time in the brine. I typically brine for 1.5 to 2 hours max. Speaking of brine, I've never needed the full recipe, even for two sides of Sockeye. Scale accordingly, and don't make it overly salty! After I pat the salmon dry, I season with freshly ground black pepper instead of paprika. A coarse grind is what I like. I find the spice of the pepper complements the sugar and salt of the brine nicely. (Paprika only is also tasty, but I prefer pepper). Apple, Alder, or Cherry woods all work well with Salmon. Try them out to find a fa...